Mid August update

Mid August update

New Staff

We have new two humans working with us bringing us up to a full staff of four.

Myself and Carmen remain the “Primaries” as I call it (Carmen in her ninth year with us).

Anna will be helping mornings during the summer and perhaps again during the school year if time allows.

Christine will also be doing mostly mornings.

Say hi and tell them your dog’s name!


We are full the August 23-25 weekend and the Labor Day weekend (early this year) August 30-September 1

Thanksgiving: We are roughly 1/3 full. We will take no single night bookings over the holiday weekend.

Christmas/New Years: We are roughly 1/3 full for the Christmas period. All reservations will require a $100 non refundable deposit. The details of our deposit policy are under the Reservations menu heading

Victorian Collars

We had a recent customer complain about a couple stitches missing after a day of day care, while the dog was wearing a “Victorian collar”.

This was not a lazy, sedentary dog, this was a very active dog and the complaint stated we did not “Watch the dog” and that the dog was returned with the collar off.

From our side, we can watch a dog all we want but we can not sit on them to prevent them from moving.

The dog was returned with the collar off as the collar came off before he was fully inside. It came off exiting the pen. It came off as he went outside. It came off coming back in. It was impossible with this particular dog.

We can limit exercise by restricting space but not by restricting movement. We will put injured dogs in smaller spaces, or alone, but often those dogs try even harder to get with the main group.

Thus, no more victorian collars. If your dog is in a state where it requires a protective collar, we will not accept it.